We take safeguarding very seriously, if you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:
Parish Safeguarding Officers - Adults: Pam Morris - 07712417180 or pam.morris1955@gmail.com
- Children: Gemma Ryan - 07701013651 or gemmajfinch@hotmail.co.uk
In the Diocese - Julian Hodgson - 01636 817200
Out of hours - for children and adults - 0300 456 4546
In the Diocese: at safeguarding@southwell.anglican.org, or contact the safeguarding team on 01636817200 (office hours)
Out of Hours for Children & Adults:
Nottinghamshire: 03004564546
Nottingham City Council: 01158761000
Bawtry: 01302796000
Child line: 08001111
NSPCC : 08088005000
NSPCC: 0800802020